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The Idiomatic Meaning of "The Icing to the Cake" or " The Frosting to the Cake".

Idiomatic Meaning of "The Icing on the Cake/ the Frosting on the Cake".


"The icing on the cake" or "the frosting on the cake" is an idiom that is captivated from food. Ice and cake are togetherly used to bring out the idiom.

"The icing on the cake" or " the frosting on the cake" means:

An additional thing that becomes added to an already perfect situation or experience so as to make it looks better than current status. In other words, this an expression that elucidates standard fixing to what has been standardized already just to make it stands more standard, worthwhile and substantial.

Let us consider the following:

The manager orders his coworkers not to waste the new material on the building regarding such doing as the frosting on the cake.

Although it was not necessary that I applied additional paint on the wood table, but I did it just  for the icing on the cake.


Olufajo Olulekan

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