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Borrow and Lend - Difference

A lot of students misuse these two lexical verbs by using "borrow" in a right context for "lend" and "lend" instead of "borrow".

To make it clear, it is for a giver to lend while it is for a receiver to borrow.

When you as a giver is sending something out to a person without getting paid or receiving something different in return but with an aim of collecting the exact what you give to the person back after a period of time, in that case you "lend". Its past tense is 'lent'.


1. John, please lend me your motorcycle for two hours.

2. When will you return it if I lend you $10,000 now?

Whereas, if you as a receiver intends to receive something from someone else with an aim to return it after some time, you "borrow".


3. John, please can I borrow your motorcycle for two hours?

4. I will return it in two days time, if I borrow the $10,000 from you.

Therefore, it is incorrect to say:

5. Please, borrow me your pen until tomorrow evening - X Incorrect


6. Let me lend your computer for tonight.  - X Incorrect

Consider the following for practice:

1. The doctor and his wife promise to ............... the man their second car to travel.

            A .    lent
            B.     Borrowed
            C.     Borrow
            D.     Lend

2. Madam Smart used to ............. money from me almost every time. 

            A.    borrowed
            B.    lending
            C.    borrow
            D.    vorrows

3. I ............ Mr. Smart my most favorite car yesterday by has failed his promise to return it today.

            A.     lent
            B.     borrow
            C.     rent
            D.     lend


Olufajo Olulekan

Hello Reader, thanks for your visitation. I am Olufajo Olulekan, a blogger by passion, inspiring in helping people online with useful information. I usually blog on another different platform but create this blog to make people knowledgeable about English Language, Literature in English, and Literary Texts Summary and Analysis

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